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Welcome to the Foamer Paradise! The Best Place on the Internet for you to see the shenanignas of... Hardcore, Serious, most Dedicated Railfans EVER!!! (Plus the log of the hunt for the illustrious STRINGSQUASH)
CAUTION!!! - Some of the content within these pages may offend. If you are easily offended, we ask that you use your back button..

It's been several months between updates. Not much railfanning in the cold weather.

The new Foamer Cards page makes its debut. This is something I started in the summer and never finished. Anyway, we are looking for more foamer bio's.

A few pictures have been added to the Misc Photos page, a new moon shot, as well as some new territory markings.

So what are you waiting for...Go find yourself.

This site is a spin off from the "Rest of the Roll" from the former TotalCSX site. This is not your typical railfan site, here you will see the things we do while railfanning, from camping and 4-wheeling to hunting for the stringsquash and eating. Enjoy as you voyage into the mind of the East Coast Foamer, without shame or embarrasment. Under the photos link you will find a different type of rail photography, not your typical sunlight nose shot. Take a look around, keep returning, as updates happen as we cover and mark new territory.

If you would like to contribute to the site or just say hello please e-mail us.

Many thanks to Henry, BP, CD, JonnyO, JK and everyone else. DB&PF
